17. Implement Naive Bayes C++ (solution)

Here's a sample solution for the previous quiz. In this solution, there has been no feature engineering, so existing features are used only. See if you can improve the results with your own solution!

Start Quiz:

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "classifier.h"

using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::ifstream;
using std::string;
using std::vector;

// Helper functions to load .txt files
vector<vector<double> > Load_State(string file_name);
vector<string> Load_Label(string file_name);

int main() {
  vector< vector<double> > X_train = Load_State("./train_states.txt");
  vector< vector<double> > X_test  = Load_State("./test_states.txt");
  vector< string > Y_train = Load_Label("./train_labels.txt");
  vector< string > Y_test  = Load_Label("./test_labels.txt");
  cout << "X_train number of elements " << X_train.size() << endl;
  cout << "X_train element size " << X_train[0].size() << endl;
  cout << "Y_train number of elements " << Y_train.size() << endl;

  GNB gnb = GNB();
  gnb.train(X_train, Y_train);

  cout << "X_test number of elements " << X_test.size() << endl;
  cout << "X_test element size " << X_test[0].size() << endl;
  cout << "Y_test number of elements " << Y_test.size() << endl;
  int score = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < X_test.size(); ++i) {
    vector<double> coords = X_test[i];
    string predicted = gnb.predict(coords);
    if (predicted.compare(Y_test[i]) == 0) {
      score += 1;

  float fraction_correct = float(score) / Y_test.size();
  cout << "You got " << (100*fraction_correct) << " correct" << endl;

  return 0;

// Load state from .txt file
vector<vector<double> > Load_State(string file_name) {
  ifstream in_state_(file_name.c_str(), ifstream::in);
  vector< vector<double >> state_out;
  string line;
  while (getline(in_state_, line)) {
    std::istringstream iss(line);
    vector<double> x_coord;
    string token;
    while (getline(iss,token,',')) {

  return state_out;

// Load labels from .txt file
vector<string> Load_Label(string file_name) {
  ifstream in_label_(file_name.c_str(), ifstream::in);
  vector< string > label_out;
  string line;
  while (getline(in_label_, line)) {
    std::istringstream iss(line);
    string label;
    iss >> label;
  return label_out; 
#include "classifier.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using Eigen::ArrayXd;
using std::string;
using std::vector;

// Initializes GNB
GNB::GNB() {
   * TODO: Initialize GNB, if necessary. May depend on your implementation.
  left_means = ArrayXd(4);
  left_means << 0,0,0,0;
  left_sds = ArrayXd(4);
  left_sds << 0,0,0,0;
  left_prior = 0;
  keep_means = ArrayXd(4);
  keep_means << 0,0,0,0;
  keep_sds = ArrayXd(4);
  keep_sds << 0,0,0,0;
  keep_prior = 0;
  right_means = ArrayXd(4);
  right_means << 0,0,0,0;
  right_sds = ArrayXd(4);
  right_sds << 0,0,0,0;
  right_prior = 0;

GNB::~GNB() {}

void GNB::train(const vector<vector<double>> &data, 
                const vector<string> &labels) {
   * Trains the classifier with N data points and labels.
   * @param data - array of N observations
   *   - Each observation is a tuple with 4 values: s, d, s_dot and d_dot.
   *   - Example : [[3.5, 0.1, 5.9, -0.02],
   *                [8.0, -0.3, 3.0, 2.2],
   *                 ...
   *                ]
   * @param labels - array of N labels
   *   - Each label is one of "left", "keep", or "right".
   * TODO: Implement the training function for your classifier.
  // For each label, compute ArrayXd of means, one for each data class 
  //   (s, d, s_dot, d_dot).
  // These will be used later to provide distributions for conditional 
  //   probabilites.
  // Means are stored in an ArrayXd of size 4.
  float left_size = 0;
  float keep_size = 0;
  float right_size = 0;
  // For each label, compute the numerators of the means for each class
  //   and the total number of data points given with that label.
  for (int i=0; i<labels.size(); ++i) {
    if (labels[i] == "left") {
      // conversion of data[i] to ArrayXd
      left_means += ArrayXd::Map(data[i].data(), data[i].size());
      left_size += 1;
    } else if (labels[i] == "keep") {
      keep_means += ArrayXd::Map(data[i].data(), data[i].size());
      keep_size += 1;
    } else if (labels[i] == "right") {
      right_means += ArrayXd::Map(data[i].data(), data[i].size());
      right_size += 1;

  // Compute the means. Each result is a ArrayXd of means 
  //   (4 means, one for each class)
  left_means = left_means/left_size;
  keep_means = keep_means/keep_size;
  right_means = right_means/right_size;
  // Begin computation of standard deviations for each class/label combination.
  ArrayXd data_point;
  // Compute numerators of the standard deviations.
  for (int i=0; i<labels.size(); ++i) {
    data_point = ArrayXd::Map(data[i].data(), data[i].size());
    if (labels[i] == "left"){
      left_sds += (data_point - left_means)*(data_point - left_means);
    } else if (labels[i] == "keep") {
      keep_sds += (data_point - keep_means)*(data_point - keep_means);
    } else if (labels[i] == "right") {
      right_sds += (data_point - right_means)*(data_point - right_means);
  // compute standard deviations
  left_sds = (left_sds/left_size).sqrt();
  keep_sds = (keep_sds/keep_size).sqrt();
  right_sds = (right_sds/right_size).sqrt();
  //Compute the probability of each label
  left_prior = left_size/labels.size();
  keep_prior = keep_size/labels.size();
  right_prior = right_size/labels.size();

string GNB::predict(const vector<double> &sample) {
   * Once trained, this method is called and expected to return 
   *   a predicted behavior for the given observation.
   * @param observation - a 4 tuple with s, d, s_dot, d_dot.
   *   - Example: [3.5, 0.1, 8.5, -0.2]
   * @output A label representing the best guess of the classifier. Can
   *   be one of "left", "keep" or "right".
   * TODO: Complete this function to return your classifier's prediction
  // Calculate product of conditional probabilities for each label.
  double left_p = 1.0;
  double keep_p = 1.0;
  double right_p = 1.0; 

  for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
    left_p *= (1.0/sqrt(2.0 * M_PI * pow(left_sds[i], 2))) 
            * exp(-0.5*pow(sample[i] - left_means[i], 2)/pow(left_sds[i], 2));
    keep_p *= (1.0/sqrt(2.0 * M_PI * pow(keep_sds[i], 2)))
            * exp(-0.5*pow(sample[i] - keep_means[i], 2)/pow(keep_sds[i], 2));
    right_p *= (1.0/sqrt(2.0 * M_PI * pow(right_sds[i], 2))) 
            * exp(-0.5*pow(sample[i] - right_means[i], 2)/pow(right_sds[i], 2));

  // Multiply each by the prior
  left_p *= left_prior;
  keep_p *= keep_prior;
  right_p *= right_prior;
  double probs[3] = {left_p, keep_p, right_p};
  double max = left_p;
  double max_index = 0;

  for (int i=1; i<3; ++i) {
    if (probs[i] > max) {
      max = probs[i];
      max_index = i;
  return this -> possible_labels[max_index];

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "Dense"

using Eigen::ArrayXd;
using std::string;
using std::vector;

class GNB {
   * Constructor

   * Destructor
  virtual ~GNB();

   * Train classifier
  void train(const vector<vector<double>> &data, 
             const vector<string> &labels);

   * Predict with trained classifier
  string predict(const vector<double> &sample);

  vector<string> possible_labels = {"left","keep","right"};
  ArrayXd left_means;
  ArrayXd left_sds;
  double left_prior;
  ArrayXd keep_means;
  ArrayXd keep_sds;
  double keep_prior;
  ArrayXd right_means;
  ArrayXd right_sds;
  double right_prior;


#endif  // CLASSIFIER_H